![martin jones](https://d2w4qhtqw2dbsq.cloudfront.net/profile_live/537129/small.jpg)
Rule of Law - Fundamental British Values Assembly
Assembly presentation and video resource covering:
Fundamental British Values
Rule of Law
Equalities Act 2010
Human Rights Act 1998
![martin jones](https://d2w4qhtqw2dbsq.cloudfront.net/profile_live/537129/small.jpg)
Assembly - ALIKE - Mutual respect and Tolerance Equality Act 2010 - Fundamental British Values
An adaptable presentation for assemblies covering Fundamental British Values, Mutual Respect and Tolerance, with reference to the Equality Act 2010.
![martin jones](https://d2w4qhtqw2dbsq.cloudfront.net/profile_live/537129/small.jpg)
Assembly British Values Mutual Respect and Tolerance
Fundamental British Values Assembly - Full Presentation resource, including a video version for guidance on presenting the assembly, either online or in person.
![martin jones](https://d2w4qhtqw2dbsq.cloudfront.net/profile_live/537129/small.jpg)
Assembly Discrimination BYSTANDERS speaking out. Equality Act 2010
This is an assembly resource with PPT presentation and a video.
It is written to challenge students to speak out against discrimination and makes reference to the Equality Act 2010. I hope you find it useful!
![martin jones](https://d2w4qhtqw2dbsq.cloudfront.net/profile_live/537129/small.jpg)
British Values Assembly - VOICE - Democracy
An assembly on British values, and particularly democratic voice, both in society and in schools.
Video presentation
PPT. Presentation
![martin jones](https://d2w4qhtqw2dbsq.cloudfront.net/profile_live/537129/small.jpg)
British Values Assembly LIFE - Liberty
An assembly based on the British Value of life, reflecting on the UNDHR, ECHR and the Human rights act.
PPT. presentation for assembly
Video presentation for assembly
![martin jones](https://d2w4qhtqw2dbsq.cloudfront.net/profile_live/537129/small.jpg)
Assembly - Values - RIPPLES
This is an assembly based on exploring the idea of values, like ripples in a pond, being shown in words, choices and action.
This included a video of the assembly along with the presentation.
![martin jones](https://d2w4qhtqw2dbsq.cloudfront.net/profile_live/537129/small.jpg)
Assembly British Values INTENT Rule of Law
An assembly exploring the principles of actions, but also intention. In the context of the rule of law as applied to school rules. Encouraging students to understand the importance of intent, and challenge their thinking as well as their actions.
Includes Video Assembly & Presentation
![martin jones](https://d2w4qhtqw2dbsq.cloudfront.net/profile_live/537129/small.jpg)
Assembly Fundamental British Values CHOICES Democracy
An assembly resource with presentation and video assembly resources included.
This assembly considers choices, the right to choice, and the importance of voting in democracy.
I hope you find it helpful!
![martin jones](https://d2w4qhtqw2dbsq.cloudfront.net/profile_live/537129/small.jpg)
3 lessons - What is Value - Changing Values - Value of Tolerance
A three lesson scheme on Fundamental British Values, Financial Values and Personal Values.
What do we value?
How do values change?
Why is tolerance such an important value?
![martin jones](https://d2w4qhtqw2dbsq.cloudfront.net/profile_live/537129/small.jpg)
Rules and The Law -4 lesson scheme- Rules and Laws, Law origins, Types of Law/Court, Search/Arrest
Four lesson scheme of work considering aspects of the PSHE and Citizenship curricula on Law.
Could be used in Years 9-11
1 What are rules and laws?
2 Where do laws come from
3 What types of law do courts handle
4 What are my rights at arrest or search
![martin jones](https://d2w4qhtqw2dbsq.cloudfront.net/profile_live/537129/small.jpg)
British Values Assembly Bundle
Assemblies on each of the fundamental British values, along with an assembly on the Equality Act 2010.
All assemblies contain a video presentation of the assembly, along with the PPT. presentation to adapt to your needs.